Next, the reader thread needs to ensure ( and this is the second check you perform) that it does not wait on the condition variable any more than the specified timeout period. 接下来,读线程需要确保(这是第二个检查)它等待条件变量的时间不超过指定的超时时间。
It also allows you to unlock the mutex and wait on the condition variable atomically, without the possible intervention of another thread. 它还允许您原子地(atomically)解除互斥的锁定,并等待条件变量,而不会有干涉其他线程的可能。
The Condition methods that are analogous to wait, notify, and notifyAll, are named await, signal, and signalAll, because they cannot override the corresponding methods in Object. Condition的方法与wait、notify和notifyAll方法类似,分别命名为await、signal和signalAll,因为它们不能覆盖Object上的对应方法。
The break condition can be defined for the wait in the until() function, or extend the Wait class to implement. 可以在until()函数中定义等待的退出条件,或者扩展Wait类来实现等待退出。
Players will have to choose: whether they wait for the best celestial condition to get the best result to their crafts, or whether they do not wait but then they won't benefit from the good influence of celestial bodies. 玩家应当这样选择:他们是期待最佳天上条件去获得最佳的物品制造成果,或者不期待这样,但是他们将不会从天上事物中获益。
When a thread A invokes one of the "wait" APIs of java. util. concurrent. locks. Condition, thread A "stops" its execution until the other thread notifies it or times out. 当线程A调用了java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition的任意一个“等待”的API,线程A会停止执行,直到另外一个线程通知它或者超时。
During their wait time patients can view educational videos in private to learn about critical matters involving their acute illness, chronic condition and procedures. 在他们的等候时间内,患者可以浏览健康教育录像以了解他们的急性疾病,长期健康状况和医疗程序中的关键问题。
Some queries cannot be canceled immediately, but must wait for a suitable cancellation condition. 有些查询不能立即取消,而必须等待适当的取消条件。
When people have to pay for care, they tend to wait until a condition is so far advanced that treatment is difficult, if not impossible, and the costs are much higher. 如果必须为医疗自掏腰包,人们有时会错失良机,等病情过于严重时才去就医,而那时已很难治疗,有的甚至为时过晚,费用也高得多。
We prefer to wait until the chaotic market condition on your side have settled. 我们宁愿等到贵地混乱的市场平静下来以后再谈这宗生意。